
SPG – Signal Pattern generator

The SPG is a signal pattern generator for validation and production testing able to produce arbitrary waveforms defined. The SPG is a complete suite providing hardware and software development environment for testing applications. The SPG mainly based on Custom firmware on FPGA, has been developed to work inside PXI-Express environment by National Instruments. The software suite consists of a driver module an application software needed to configure and control all devices and functions.

All digital pll for gps disciplined clock module (TGPS)

The TGPS device must be able to maintain the time reference when the GPS signal, typically coming from an external device, is absent. The TGPS device must interpose between the GPS receiver and system exciters. It receives the time reference from an external GPS receiver and returns it to the excitatory; in the case in which this synchronism fails the buffer device, through a PLL digital and an oscillator with high stability and low consumption, must reproduce it with the maximum deviation request. The TGPS buffer device must have a specific feature that indicates when the unit has exceeded the required accuracy by providing a report to the operator. This functionality must be able to be deactivated by the operator. Two different versions of the TGPS have been implemented, Manpack and vehicular, both certify to operate in a hostile environment.

A low cost radiation detector for non-destructive assessment of food contamination

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident released large amounts of radioactive substances into the environment and contaminated the terrestrial and marine ecosystems in East Japan. Innodesi developed a  multichannel digital acquisition and charge estimation platform for scintillators coupled to SiPM (Silicon PhotoMultiplier) photo detectors, for  detecting  radiocesium accumulation in fishes and broad-leaved vegetables.

Automatic test equipment

Innodesi designs and realize the most advanced process methodologies to deliver high quality Automated Test Equipment (ATE) the for civil, aerospace and military fields according the highest quality standard for production, verification and documentation processes. Innodesi integrates advanced programming skills in all the major software languges (LABVIEW, LabWindows,CVI, TestStand, C++, Java) with state-of-the-art hardware design knowledge.