CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite)is a scientific mission dedicated: to monitoring electromagnetic field and waves, plasma and particles perturbations of the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere induced by natural sources and anthropocentric emitters; and to study their correlations with the occurrence of seismic events. The satellite mission is part of a collaboration program between the China National Space Administration (CNSA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and developed by China Earthquake Administration (CEA) and Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), together with several Chinese and Italian Universities and research Institutes. In the CSES project, Innodesi took care of the development and production (up to the Flight model) of the Power Control block of the HEPD sensor (currently operating on CSES-1). Innodesi has also developed the Electrical Ground support equipment (EGSE), the support equipment used to provide background services and operational support to CSES satellites. Finally, Innodesi with INFN researcher have developed two different engineering model of the Electric Field Detector (EFD), able to measure the variation of the ionosphere electric field due to perturbations from solar, seismic and anthropic phenomena and currently under analysis in the INAF and INFN laboratories of Roma Tor Vergata.

HEPD – High-Energy Particle Detector

The High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD), developed by the Italian Collaboration, detects electrons, protons and light nuclei. The main objective is to measure the increase of the electron and proton fluxes due to short-time perturbations of the radiation belts caused by solar, terrestrial and anthropic phenomena. The energy range explored is 3 – 100 MeV for electrons and 30 – 200 MeV for protons.

Innodesi took care of the development and production (up to the Flight model) of the:

  • Power Control Board, a redundant system, able to cut and distribute power branches to the several detectors on the HEPD.
  • DAQ: FW/SW development for data acquisition, scientific data packaging for the transfer to the Satellite

EGSE – Electrical Ground Support Equipment

Innodesi won the tender procedure for the implementation of the EGSE system for CSES experiment. The Electrical Ground support equipment (EGSE) is a system of the satellite emulator to be used for testing the payloads satellite experiment provided for the CSES. The EGSE was used as a support during the phases of assembly, integration and validation tests of the scientific payload. It provides the main functions of control and management carried out by the satellite and the generation of voltages supplied by the power bus.

EFD – Eletric Field Detector

The Electric Field Detector measures electric field in a band of frequencies extending from quasiDC up to about 5 MHz, subdivided in four bands by a signal processing unit, with a resolution of the order of 1 µV and a dynamic range up to 120 dB in the lower DC-ULF band. The resolution is 40 times better than any other recent instrument of similar feature. Two different engineering models have been designed and tested in the Faraday Cage at the INFN division of Roma Tor Vergata, and in the Plasma Chamber at the IAPS-INAF Institute in Roma Tor Vergata.

Innodesi took care of the realization of the APU, Analog Processing Unit of the system