Innodesi has signed with LepSys Srl an agreement for the joint implementation of complex RF / Digital systems in order to offer “Full device production cycle”...
Italian Embassy in Tokyo, to celebrate the first edition of the Italian Research Day in the World, organized at the Italian Institute of Culture in Tokyo the exhibition "Space technologies: from stars to safety for Fukushima".
China launches its first seismo-electromagnetic satellite, known as Zhangheng 1 in Chinese, into a sun-synchronous orbit from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, in northwest China's Gobi...
The implementation of a Video Pattern generator has been commissioned to Innodesi. Innodesi will provide a complete suite providing hardware and software development environment for...
Innodesi in collaboration with the University of ROMA3, Faculty of Engineering, participated and won a European Competition Call for Consortium ACTPHAST (Access Center for Photonics...
Important cooperation agreement between the Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging and the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the University of Beijing for the development of...
An Electric Field Detector (EFD) for space applications has been designed and built in the framework of the CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite) mission. The instrument has been conceived for space-borne measurements of electromagnetic phenomena such as seimo-electromagnetic perturbations and more in general to investigate lithosphere- atmosphere-ionosphere EM coupling.
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